Dress Sale This Week (10/5 – 10/7)

It’s that time of the year to clean out your closets and sell your old or outgrown skating dresses, warm ups, and ice show costumes! Pass them on to other skaters and give items a second, or third, life!

CHECK-IN FOR ITEMS TO BE SOLD : from 9/30-10/4, Club Members may bring items in during club ice times. Please give the following to the monitor: Each item brought in for sale must please be on a hanger, must be individually tagged with item number, name, size and price, and must be listed on an accompanying Check-In List with a description, size and price.

SALE TIMES: Thursday, Oct. 5th from 5:45-7:15 pm; Friday, Oct. 6th from 4:30-6:30 pm; and Saturday, Oct. 7th from 11-2:45 pm.

PICK UP: Please come pick up any unsold items during club ice by Oct. 12th.

VOLUNTEERS: We need your help! This is a great, low commitment way to help support your skater’s club. We need volunteers to run the sale in the lobby and it is easy and fun! Please consider working a shift at the sale! Sign Up Here to Volunteer

Profits from your items earn credit toward your club ice bill, with a portion of the proceeds going to help the club.
